Our company, based in Volargne (Verona), has been operating for over 20 years in the field of marble, granite, agglomerates and natural stone, and is specialized in the sale of slabs, flooring, tiles and finishes both in the Italian and international market.
Marimar works together with architects and designers to offer a start-to-finish customer service in terms of both research of materials and quality control.
Contact us
Via Napoleone, 67
Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella
37015 – Verona, Italy
tel: +39 045 773 2288
fax: +39 045 773 2199
Registered Office
Via Pegrosse, 508/D
Volargne di Dolcé
37020 – Verona, Italy
VAT.N: 02634540237
tel: +39 045 773 2288
fax: +39 045 773 2199
eml: info@marimar.net